In IS7 it is possible to work with more than one floor in the environment. To create floors in the project, follow these steps:
Creating a Floor
1. On the IS7 home screen, access the Floor Plan menu and click on the tool indicated.
2. On the screen that appears, click .
3. In the window that opens, choose one of the three options available, they are:
- Only Walls: in this option, the new floor created will have only the walls.
- Walls & Openings: in this option, the new floor created will have the walls and openings.
- All: in this option, the new floor created will have all the elements of the floor below, including walls, openings, decorations, furniture, etc. In other words, it will be a faithful copy of the second floor.
After choosing one of the options, watch the floor being created!
ATTENTION: The second floor to be created is nothing more than a copy of the second floor. Therefore, choose the option that best fits your need.
Edit a Floor
After the new floor is created, it is possible to make some changes, they are:
1. To change the information of the new floor, on the left side of the screen, access the fields:
- Name: give the floor a name.
- Height: determine the height of the wall on that floor.
- Floor thickness: define the thickness of the floor for that floor.
2. To delete a floor, click on the Trash can icon.
Navigating the Floors
1. To navigate through the floors, use the navigation arrows located at the top of the screen.