In SFx, it is possible to create a complete design of the room, with all the necessary elements. Once the walls are built, doors and windows can be inserted into the room.
To insert the openings, follow the procedures below:
Inserting an Opening - 2D Mode
1. To add an opening to the project, go to the Floor Plan menu and click on the Doors, Openings or Windows library.
2. Insert the item into your design on the wall you wish to apply it to. You can repeat this process for any of Doors, Windows or Openings.
Inserting an Opening - 3D Mode
1. The process for adding an item in the 3D view is the same as in 2D mode.
Edit an Opening
To resize an opening, follow the same procedure that you would for any other item in SFx. Click here for more information.
1. Select the opening you want to resize.
2. Select the Dimensions tool.
3. Type the desired values in the Length, Depth, and Height fields, then press Enter. Alternatively, left-click and drag the arrows surrounding the item to manually resize.
Change Door Handle Model
1. To change a door handle model, select the desired door and click on the Handles menu.
2. Select the desired model and it will automatically change in the design.
Open and Close Doors
To open and close doors, follow the instructions here.
You can drag the Opening bar across to gradually open or close the door, or select the Open All or Close All buttons to immediately open or close all doors in your design.